#kiki wayne
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superawesome40 · 2 months ago
What started as a simple question of ‘How many children has Bruce Wayne had over the years?’ has turned into approximately 56 sticky notes on my wall in a vague timeline for an AU where they all exist…
So far I’ve only done the birthdays of the kids/some grandkids, bio parent deaths, and who moved in when, as well as Jason’s revival and the first overnight stay of two bio-kids who’s mothers have shared custody. I still at the very least need to do adoption dates, significant relationship dates, significant hero-related events, canon events, canon events, and other such details.
Send help.
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robingivesmemagic · 5 months ago
i know shes a joke character thats supposed to be bad and it would be missing the point really hard but kiki wayne should be real
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yandereworlds · 9 months ago
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After some contemplation, I've finally gotten around to making another Bat Family bot after receiving many requests for another one, but this one is centered around the Purge. I just feel like there's a lot of potential with the whole Purge concept because there's a lot of ways you can go about it, so.. Here it is!
I couldn't find a decent photo for the bot, so I decided to make my own. So, feel free to visit the bot and let me know what you guys think! I have a lot more DC concepts for bots and so far, I can tell you guys are really enjoying them. Thank you for the continued support, you guys are amazing.
You can find the bot here! And here's a link to my Ko-fi, if you'd like to help me continue making bots for JanitorAI. Hope you guys enjoy!
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twosnails4eva · 2 years ago
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space girl, show me the stars. you know the galaxies of my heart <3 happy palentines day!
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munsons-maiden · 2 years ago
Me: as much as I hope, we probably won’t see more of Uncle Wayne. Also me: ok but in the final shot they made sure to make Wayne visible as he follows Dustin outside and if ST5 opens right where ST4 left off then we have to see more of him right???
Yes! I really think that Wayne will be back, for the same reason. Else, they wouldn't have put him in that last shot with Dustin 🤔
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lemecdeliott · 21 days ago
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💖🧙✨. —Oh, sí, será muy divertida —asintió, riendo por adelantado—. Sé que puedes conseguir todo lo que quieras, pero este costará un poquito más —porque no importaría cuanto poder tuviera, tendría que hacer manualidades—. ¿Priorizar mi seguridad? No, es bueno que sepas que eso no ocurrirá en este caso —repuso. Kendall no se priorizaba cuando se trataba de las personas que quería—. Tú eres mi prioridad ahora, eso incluye todo —agregó. Lo había decidido y lo seguiría haciendo—. Además, sé que tú también me protegerás —añadió, buscando tan sólo la confirmación, porque sabía que Danette lo haría—. Bueno —ladeó los hombros, pensando en las respuestas a todas esas preguntas, aunque no externaría ninguna—. Ese no es el punto, tiene muchos años, así que de cualquier forma, ella me gana —repuso, encogiendo sus hombros mientras se refería a la egipcia—. Hey, era una broma, no la dije en serio —replicó, sonrojándose sin saber la razón.
Se enrolló en los brazos de Danette para ser suya por completo. —Claro que sí, toda tuya —se sentía bastante bien con ella así. No volvió a mencionar nada de Tahirah, no quería escuchar lo buenas amigas que podían ser—. ¿La quiere? —Repitió, en parte sorprendida por la información—. En ese caso, espero que ambas se hagan muy felices —deseo sinceramente. Kendall creía que el encuentro de las contrarias había salido mejor que bien. ��Acaso ya habían iniciado una relación' Había tanto que tenía que hablar con Kiki—. También, pero es sumamente protectora y muy amorosa —a su parecer, Tahirah tenía suerte de que una lobita como ella la quisiera tanto—. Oh, pero eso es diferente —replicó en un puchero. Podía quitar el hechizo para que lo escuchara, pero Kendall no podría escuchar a las otras aunque quisiera—. De acuerdo, me gusta. —Pasar el tiempo con Danette sería su pasatiempo favorito—. ¿Cómo que sin...? Oh, no... Sí, quiero decir —el nerviosismo le ganó, sonrojándose.
No quería hablar de esto. Escuchar que un alma gemela era más importante que cualquier relación le heriría. Sabía que pasaría eventualmente porque aún había mucho que arreglar, pero quería vivir por un tiempo en el paraíso de las dos. Se calló para escuchar y el inicio le parecía un relato entre Danette y Tahirah. No quería que fundamentara más la conexión que tenían, si ese era el caso. Sin embargo, Kendall entendía la historia lo que no comprendía era que tenía que ver con Tahirah y Danette, si era entre brujas... Bueno, Danette lo había sido, ¿se trataba de eso? Su gesto de incomprensión se mantuvo hasta que continuó, entonces su gesto de sorpresa cambió su expresión. —¿Yo? —Preguntó, le parecía insólito. No había escuchado sobre esa leyenda, pero sabía que era cierta—. ¿Yo soy tu... alma llama? —Repitió, pensando que se lo había imaginado, porque sí, entre sus más locas ideas sobre un hipotético reencuentro con Danette, esta podía ser una de ellas. ¿Acaso estaba despierta? —¿Estás segura de que yo lo soy? —Preguntó, notando que sus ojos se llenaban de lágrimas, creyendo por completo en la veracidad de la historia. ¿Acaso no lo había sentido ella misma? Sí, conectada a Danette. A pesar de sus relaciones pasadas, siempre pensó en Danette, la fascinación por ella y su admiración. Había una razón superior, ahora lo sabía—. Deberías conocerla, te gustaría.
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👩🏻‍🎤💖🎵. —Ah, ahora seré más aventurera, ya que te tengo de guardaespaldas —repuso divertida, acariciando su mejilla por la protección que le brindaba por adelantado—. Claro, si quieres —le guiño el ojo—. Sí, lo eres, mira nada más esas mejillas color rojo —las apuntó, sabiendo bien que ella era la responsable—. Danette en verdad la quiere —utilizó sus mismas palabras porque era cierto. Ambas se querían, estaba segura que se habían querido desde hace mucho tiempo. Había llegado su momento y debían disfrutarlo—. Recibiría una bala por ella —confirmó sin pensarlo— y haría pagar al responsable de una forma muy cruel —agregó. Danette era feroz y vengativa. No olvidaba. Si existía alguna persona capaz de lastimar a Kendall (e incluso a ella) no viviría demasiado para seguir haciéndolo. La reacción de la lobita no le sorprendió. Era evidente porque no se había explicado—. Oh, no te preocupes, Lette, Danette no lo haría, era una broma solamente, pero me encanta cómo defiendes a Kendall —dijo, pues admiraba su lealtad para su amiga—. Te sorprenderías —repuso. De ser diferente la interacción entre Tah y Lette, Danette ya estaría aquí para separarlas, priorizando a Tahirah. Ya que no era el caso, era evidente que se encontraba bien—. Sólo sé que te gustara, lobita —picó la punta de su nariz antes de sorprenderla—. Bien, te daré un premio, puedes ir pensando en cual quieres —le prometió. Finalmente terminó el platillo y esperó su reacción—. Te dije que lo recordaba —exclamó, dedicándole una sonrisa. Alcanzó su mejilla y la acarició, para limpiarla—. Pruébalo, espero que te guste —se sentó frente a ella, expectante a que sus papilas gustativas también aceptaran el trato. Sin embargo, la pregunta final sí fue una sorpresa, para ella. La miró a los ojos, mientras pensaba en ello. Tahirah se decía que jamás se llevaba nada de los lugares a los que dejaba. Así había sido por siglos. Entonces pensó en la corona, el regalo realizado por Lette antes de partir. Lo había llevado consigo y no había sido el único. Aún guardaba otro par de obsequios de parte de la contraria. ¿Por qué lo había hecho? No era la primera vez que una persona quedaba tan eclipsada como para obsequiarle algo tan sentimental, valioso o singular. Sin embargo, no conservaba otros. Debía significar una respuesta positiva a la interrogante—. Ya debes saber que las emociones y sentimientos se presentan de manera diferente en mí —inició, elevando la mirada—. No suelo reparar en emociones que me mantienen en mi parte humana —o quizá debería decir racional, pues los vampiros sólo sentían de forma más intensa—, pero —suspiró—. Me parece que sí —respondió—. Bueno, sí. Conservé tus obsequios, como una forma de llevar tu recuerdo conmigo. —Danette lo podría constatar mejor, porque su alma gemela podía ver cosas obvias en los comportamientos de Tahirah.
                        🌾 ❛❛ 🧛🏻‍♂️❤️👑Danette torció los labios intentando no reìr—Yo difiero de ello—Bormeò acariciando su cabello. —Ah ¿Será algo divertida?—Preguntó curiosa esperando algún adelanto ¿qué podía pedir? Bueno, ya se lo había prometido le daría todo. Danette asintió estaba un poco más tranquila ahora que Kendall parecía entender los motivos que le orillaron a tener esa actitud con ella, una que no volvería a repetir. —Hubiera deseado que me dijeras que en una situación de riesgo priorizarías tu seguridad antes que la mía pero, creo que eso no va a ocurrir—Medio sonrió.—Está bien te tendré que cuidar al doble—Dejó un beso en su mejilla. —Siempre lo serás—Aseguró.—Claro que sí ¿Cuantas personas no han querido estar contigo? ¿Cuantos de ellos han sido tus parejas? ¿Cuantas personas te coquetean al día?—Expusó y se encogió de hombros.—Ahí tienes la respuesta. —Evidenciò como un hecho notorio. —De acuerdo, me acordare de esa soluciòn cuando sea necesaria. Que conste que la propusiste—Determinò con una sonrisa, dejando de lado el sarcasmo de Kendall para tomarlo como si lo hubiera dicho en serio.
—Ya no hay vuelta atràs, señorita Ahearn, me perteneces—Replicò con una sonrisa besando sus labios. —Bien, no lo harás—La Strix guardo su sonrisa pero, conservò el gesto tranquilo en su rostro ante la negativa de Kendall. Sabìa que presionarla o imponerle algo no sería nada favorable. Mejor que se diera cuenta ella sola. —¿Confías en mi?—Pregunto primeramente.—Entonces confía que cuando digo que Tahirah la quiere e incluso un poco más que querer, lo sé porque lo he visto en ella, así que no te preocupes, Nicholette estará bien—Dejo saber a Kendall, aunque no dudaba que ella lo fuera a comprobar personalmente. Lo siguiente le gustó escucharlo, Tahirah merecía tener a alguien que estuviera a darle todo, amarla totalmente y protegerla contra todo.—¿Así es Nicholette? Vaya entonces puede que ya no le tenga tanta aversión, Pensé que solo sabía llorar—Replico. Necesitaba comprobar ese temperamento. Lo siguiente le hizo reír.—Bueno a mi no se me hace justo no poder escuchar tu corazón pero, aquí estamos ¿No?—Sonrió dejando un beso en los labios de Kendall para aliviar ese puchero que le hacía verse adorable.—Yo también, porque así te voy a tener mucho más tiempo—De esa forma había conseguido lo que quería y sabía que Tahirah había tenido que ver en ello. La amaba. —No lo sé ¿Quieres pijama o no?—Preguntó coqueta solo para jugar con ella.
Danette sentía un pavor de tocar el tema porque no conocía que reacción podría tener Kendall, no quería perder el avance que llevaba pero, eventualmente esto saldría a relucir en la conversación y se encontraría en la misma situación. Agradeció la tranquilidad con la que comenzó a tomarlo aunque su silencio tampoco fue como para quedarse tranquila, en especial porque Kendall era parlanchina por naturaleza. —Lo es. Ella fue la primera en hacerlo conmigo—Compartió con sinceridad. —Pero...—Replicó animandola a continuar, no quería que se quedara con algo que después le fuera a pesar. Entonces la pregunta llego y Danette entendió el temor de Kendall. La miró y acarició con su dorso su mejilla. —No, tienes que temer a la respuesta. Pon atención—Sonrió abrazándola para pegarla hacia ella.—Existe un grimorio realizado por las hermanas, las brujas de los Strix. Lo hizo una de las primeras brujas que se unió al aquelarre por los tiempos cuando Thérèse tomó el liderato de la sociedad. En el, hablan sobre la energía de las almas, las brujas creían que las almas de los seres humanos se componían de una energía positiva y una negativa, como la materia en la ciencia en los protones, electrones y neutrones. —Ejemplicó mirando a Kendall para ver si hasta ahora le seguía el hilo.—Claro que esto es desde un punto espiritual. Entonces las brujas creían que en el mundo las personas que mejor funcionaban eran las que hacían enlace entre una alma con energía positiva y una entre energía negativa, porque actuaban como unos imanes. Las brujas lo llamaron almas llama, porque si alguien llega a encontrar a su alma llama entonces encuentra el equilibrio y refuerza su poder, son inseparables e incondicionales. No importa qué siempre se van a atraer, como te he dicho, como los imanes. Así que eso también aplicaba a las brujas, si esa clase de brujas se unía su poder era inimaginable—Hizo un pausa para acomodar un mechón del cabello de Kendall.—Luego de saber eso, lo entendí todo y me puse a pensar en el momento en que te conocí. Esa niña bruja que llegó a mi con todo su cariño y devoción, lo supe cuando te vi, tenías algo que me me hacia sentir completa, empoderada y segura; eras mi alma llama, solo que yo no estaba destinada a ser bruja pero, la conexión no se rompió porque me seguía ahí incluso después de que me transforme. Claro que todo eso lo supe hasta leer ese grimorio. Así que, no puedes comparar la conexión entre Tahirah y yo, porque es distinta a la conexión que tengo contigo pero, como puedes ver no es más o menos importante, porque sin alguna de esas conexiones yo no estaría completa.—Explicó tomando su mano para besar su dorsal.— Además lo que siento por ti no tiene comparación, Kendall, no temas, no tienes idea de todo lo que siento por ti, solo dejame demostrartelo. Y si tienes alguna duda o inseguridad solo dime—Pidiò dejando que Kendall preguntarla lo que quisiera. No querìa que hubiera miedo o inseguridad en ella, querìa que estuviera plenamente segura de lo que sentìa por ella era genuino y real. —Pues, me estoy llevando bastantes sorpresas con esa loba—Sì, Danette ahora tenìa màs curiosidad por conocerla.
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                            🌾 ❛❛🐺💘🌚—Me gusta que confíes en mi—Replicó con una sonrisa. —Demasiado, que nadie se meta contigo—Determinó segura de ello. Esperaba que cuando tuviera que verla así no se decepcionara de ella. —¿Podemos combinar closet?—Lette se ilusionó como si la propuesta de Tahirah hubiera sido real. —¿Sigo siendo una fresita?—El corazòn de Lette se emocionò al escuchar aquel mote que le habìa puesto a ella, en especial si iba a compañado de un beso como aquel. —De acuerdo, porque Kendall en verdad la quiere—Suspiro pensando que si ese era el caso, no debería de preocuparse tanto y estar a la defensiva con Danette, después de todo se lo decía Tahirah que la conocía más que mejor a la Strix.—¿Recibiría una bala por ella?—Preguntó mirando a Tahirah, sí la pregunta era algo extrema pero, quería verificar que estuviera dispuesta hacer todo por Kendall, tanto y más de lo que Lette estaba dispuesta a hacer por su amigovia. —¿Se le ocurrirá? ¿Y tú estarás de acuerdo en ello?—Se escandalizò enarcando una ceja.—Yo no, no la dejare, ya tiene a Kendall, ya te tiene a ti, es màs que suficiente, no puede tener otra novia màs, Kendall se merece todo el amor de Danette, ya mucho hace en tener que compartirlo como para que Danette ambiciosamente quiera una tercera novia, no, no—Negò con recelo. Danette se tenìa que tomar en serio la relaciòn con Kendall. —No, no me gustan—Replicò poniendo los ojos en blanco. —¿Ya lo sabe?—Volteó hacia la entrada para verificar que no había nadie.—Pues se lo esta tomando mejor de lo que pensé—Suspiro aliviada. Lette se sonrojo ahora mucho más cuando Tahirah la pilló. —Sí lo eres—Admitió encantada cuando llego aquel beso en sus labios que le hizo suspirar. —Me podrías dar un adelanto—Se quejó con los ojos cerrados, ni siquiera la curiosidad de Lette le permitía espirar porque no le gustaba arruinarse o que le arruinaran las sorpresas. —Prometido pero, me tienes que dar un premio por portarme bien—Claro que iba a sacar ventaja de esto. Entonces espero con ansias, mientras que los aromas le llegaban a la nariz, todos ellos exquisitos y eso le encantó. Entonces cuando recibió la orden abrí los ojos y miró frente a ella el platillo perfectamente elaborado, tal y como cuando estuvieron juntas. —¡Es perfecto! Recordaste incluso mi malteada y le pusiste chocolate a los hotcakes y fruta—Lette se emocionó y no pudo evitar llorar.—Gracias, Tah...no pensé que aún lo recordaras—Era algo que podía haber pasado desapercibido para alguien más sin embargo, por lo que veía para Tah, no fue así.—Puedo hacerte una pregunta y me contestas sinceramente sin importar cual sea la respuesta—Se atrevió a preguntar mientras le daba un sorbo a su malteada. Sí ese era el toque de Tah.—¿En algún momento después de que nos separamos me extrañaste?—Sí, no pudo quedarse con esa duda.
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I got bored so i did some research on Bruce Wayne's kids. Feel free to let me know if i missed any or wrongly added one (last updated April 2023)
Someone: how many kids do you have?
Bruce: legally, biologically, or emotionally?
The answer is 42 children
bold = the "main" kids
* = at some point this timeline and/or universe was "erased" from existence
** = ambiguous universe (ex: was it a alt timeline or just a dream?)
aka adopted and/or fostered at some point in time
Dick Grayson
Jason Todd
Tim Drake
Cassandra Cain
Duke Thomas
Alina Shelley (Batman: The Dark Prince Charming)
Lance Bruner* (Earth-One)
Turner Hayes (Gotham Knights)
Kal-El (Batman: Last Knight on Earth)
Roger Burnim Jr.* (Brave and the Bold #98)
Nyesha Burroughs Wayne** (Batman '89)
Jackie Napier (mother: Harley Quinn) (Batman: White Knight)
Bryce Napier (mother: Harley Quinn) (Batman: White Knight)
Stephanie Trevor (mother: Diana) (Batman/Superman Generations)
Mother = Talia al Ghul
Damian Wayne
Athanasia al Ghul (Injustice)
Tallant Wayne (Batman: League of Batman)
Ibn al Xu'ffasch (Earth-22)
Unnamed Son
Mother = Selina Kyle (Catwoman)
Helena Wayne (Earth-2)
Bruce Wayne Jr.** (Batman ’89)
Tivali Wayne** (Batman ’89)
Mother = Diana (Wonder Woman)
Kull (Dark Nights: Death Metal)
"Batman" (JLA #90)
"Batwoman" (JLA #90)
Mother = Other
Bruce Wayne Jr. (mother: Kathy Kane) (Earth-154)
Bruce Wayne Jr. (mother: Unnamed Wife) (Earth-3839)
Kiki Wayne* (mother: Helen)
Genetically Engineered
Terry McGinnis (Batman Beyond)
Matt McGinnis (Batman Beyond)
aka other people Bruce has mentored/gotten attached to
Barbara Gordon
Stephanie Brown
Harper Row
Cullen Row
Carrie Kelly
Rui Aramiya (Batman and the Justice League)
Barbara Wilson (Batman and Robin (1997) movie)
Drake Winston (Batman ’89)
Mia “Maps” Mizoguchi
Claire Clover
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months ago
Hear Me Out: Among Us AU
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Kids in order, top to bottom, left to right: Dick, Jason, Barbara, Cass, Stephanie, Tim, Duke, Damian, Mia Mizoguchi, Terry Mcginnis, Mat Mcginnis, Athanasia Al Ghul, Helena Kyle, Rory Raegan, Colin Wilkes, Harper Row, Cullen Row, Alina Shelley, Jarro, Kiki Wayne
I think it'd be hilarious, if Jarro, who canonically is an alien, is the only human. Bruce just finds this tiny human child after someone Starro? gets tossed out the airlock and just... yoink.
Honestly I think it'd be funny if all the kids have black suits (or mimicry of suits) like their parent but wildly differently colored helmets.
I also think it'd be funny if Bruce is just kind of... vibing. He could kill someone, but he's more interested in the wires here and teaching his kids stuff. Who constantly shortcut through the vents and spook other crewmates.
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ghosttownwherenoonegoes · 1 year ago
Eri!!! 🖤 https://www.tumblr.com/ghosttownwherenoonegoes/718476780121505792/in-honour-of-the-1st-year-anniversirywith-our-baby?source=share
I'll get my new sideline uniform for cheer next week because the season starts and...maybe Eddie reacting to that? Or accompanying me to cheer for me while I'm cheering? That's the dream 🖤
The cheerleader's cheerleader
Kiki!!🥰✨Okay, so I thought long and hard about this request, what to write and how to write it, and I think I finally got something worthy of the person who not only introduced me to Eddie Munson, but also coaxed me into watching Stranger Things and therefore introduced me to a comfort character and a comfort show in one hit!!💗I hope that you enjoy this. I did a lot of research on cheer; watched some videos, studied your DMs and tried to incorporate everything that I could, and I did my bestest!!! Thank you for everything, Kiki, you made this fandom my home and I'm so grateful for everything.🫂
Word count: 1, 150.
(It had to be this GIF, it had to be.🤣🥺My heart is aching, I miss him so much.💔)
SOME physical description given; reader is a flyer so they are explicitly described as being small. Kiki was absolutely in mind 100% when I wrote this so it’s very tailored to her. I hope others can enjoy it, though.
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You had been quietly and impatiently waiting for your sideline uniform to be sent to you through the post; the cheerleading season started soon and that was all you were waiting on for your position as a flyer to become official. Somehow, the experience of getting to go back into cheerleading and your corresponding emotions became more real once you had the uniform in your hands, adorable hair ribbons included.
It was supposed to arrive this week and you couldn't have been more pleased, excited and nervous if you had tried. Eddie, if it was possible, was even more of everything than you were. The sweet boy was like a sponge, soaking up the atmosphere around you as you seemed almost to vibrate whenever you sat or stood still for an extended period of time. You reminded Eddie - and Uncle Wayne, when the plant let him have a rare night off - of himself, when he was in the throes of planning a new campaign. He would giggle to himself as he made contingency plans of contingency plans, come up with creative ways for his sheep's characters to get themselves out of the stick situations he threw them into, a shepherd tending to his flock even as he tortured them just a little, just enough to get them squirming in their seats and whispering wishes into hands cupped around many sided dice. He was a sadistic Dungeon Master and yet he experienced genuine happiness and excitement when he was bested, proud of his sheep and of his Hellfire boys.
And you, oh, you were a live wire. Cheer was the only sports you had ever enjoyed. It was one of your true callings in life, you could feel it deep in your bones. You had been given the position of a flyer due to your physical stature; you were small which meant that you could do backflips in the air, reach the top of the pyramid, be thrown around and receive the attention and admiration of an entire crowd of people. It was incredibly difficult, and it was a sport which Eddie had a lot of respect for. He never included cheerleaders in his anti-conformity canteen-table rants for a reason and that was because it was genuinely hard to be a cheerleader. It required so much practice, determination, passion and trust in the other cheerleaders. But shit like bastketball? Toss a ball into a basket and that was the extent of it... Eddie had no respect for that. None at all. Jocks weren't worth it, but cheerleaders? Eddie admired them.
You loved the thrill of being up in the air, of feeling the wind in your hair and seeing the gymnasium from an angle very few got to. It gave you an adrenaline high like nothing else, and Eddie loved the spark it put in your eyes.
"Hey, sweetheart?" Eddie came bounding around the corner of his bedroom, his dark curls brushing against the tops of his shoulders and his chocolate eyes soft with love for you. He was holding a package in his hands and you knew just from the smirk of your face what he was bringing you. "Look what I've got ~ " the gleeful sing song of his voice made you grin, the expression infectious as Eddie couldn't keep his own off his face. Oh, but you two were always feeding off each other's emotions and making any moment even more special between the two of you. You were so very similar, in many ways.
You loved cheer, you loved it, and you needed no prompting at all from Eddie to grab the package as you tore it open and your eyes consumed the first sight of your uniform, as your hands felt the material for the first time; tougher than usual thanks to the factory starch which was always put onto new clothes. Eddie's smile was still almost as wide as his face, threatening to split his cheeks in two as he watched you. You were so happy, squealing and expressing your excitement so viscerally that you weren't even fully aware of yourself, and the sweet man was simply enjoying your happiness and deriving his own from it. If you were the sunshine, then Eddie was the tallest sunflower, following you wherever you went for the pleasure of your warmth across his face.
"Go try it on, babe, go on," The upward lilt of Eddie's voice sounded a lot like when he was goading his sheep to make a decision during a tense moment in a campaign, and you were gone like a bullet from a gun, leaving Eddie staring after you with an ache in his chest.
When had the Dungeon Master become the cheerleader's cheerleader?
Thankfully, your unform fit with no problems and days passed, until finally, finally, it was the first day of the season. If Eddie had thought that you were excited before, when you received your uniform in the post, then it had nothing on what you were feeling right now. You had your feet firmly on the ground and yet it felt like you were already on the top of the pyramid, your lungs burning in your chest, your body working hard to keep you steady atop the others, your adrenaline high even higher than you. You were on cloud nine and Eddie was right there beside you, his hand tightly in yours, fingers interlocked.
"So, sweetheart," Eddie tooks his keys out of the ignition and turned to smirk at you, his hands reaching out in opposite directions; one sliding up from your knee where it had rested to wrap around your wrist, and the other grasping for the door handle. You should have known that what it looked like Eddie was doing, wasn't what he had planned. "You ready to do that, y'know," he mimed a very weak, silly imitation of cheerleading to make you giggle, "thing you do?"
Your voice was saturated with sunshine and laughter as you said, "you coming with me? That'd be a dream, Eddie." You cracked the passenger side door open but remained in your seat, wanting every second right beside Eddie. Oh, but you loved him so much that it put a solid ache in your chest.
Eddie leaned over the console between your seats to give you a lingering, tender kiss to your forehead as he murmured, "I wouldn't wanna be anywhere else. I promise." Something shifted in his chest as he said that. Something clicked into place for him, just as it had for you the day that you had signed up for cheer once again. Eddie remembered a few days ago when he had asked himself to recall when the Dungeon Master had also become the cheerleader's cheerleader?
But now he knew the answer. He could feel it in his bones...
... It was the day he had fallen in love with you.
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twosnails4eva · 1 year ago
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huh.... looks like someone is thinking about carrie again 🤨🤨
oc belongs to @k0m3tc4r3z :3
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robingivesmemagic · 5 months ago
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sorry im just digging up random characters but im kind of obsessed with alfreds fanfic oc Bruce Jr. and the batman and robin suits having Ⅱ on the front so you know theyre the second ones
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konmics-n-stuff · 2 years ago
Everyone who has ever, even slightly, been Robin
*In official, DC-endorsed media 
Total: 100 (i think)
my definition of a ‘Robin’ is extremely vague. For example, I’m counting Lois Lane because she went to a costume party as Robin, and I’m also counting ‘Boy’ from Batman: the Return of Bruce Wayne because he had the domino mask paint and was clearly a stand-in for Robin. Et cetera.
They’re organized chronologically by their first appearance as Robin
Also this is heavily dependent on DC Fandom Wiki, so please let me know if I missed anyone or if anything is inaccurate
Red = actually Robin for a significant portion of time (more than a few in-universe days & more than one issue/episode/movie/etc)
Italics = was never Robin in main continuity (i.e. Earth Two [before Earth One existed], Earth One, New Earth, and Prime Earth)
Bold = I actually acknowledge them as Robin in my heart
Dick Grayson (Apr 1940)
Julie Madison (Mar 1941)
Ricky (Dec 1944) [possible future]
Mary Wills (Apr 1950) [Earth-Two]
Bruce Wayne (Dec 1955)
Vanderveer Wayne (Jun 1962)
Alfred E. Neuman (Sep 1966) [Mad Magazine]
Lance Bruner (May 1969)
Jimmy Olsen (May 1970)
Jason Todd (Mar 1982)
Boyd, the Robin Wonder (Apr 1983) [Earth-C-Minus]
Carrie Kelly (Jun 1986) [Dark Knight Returns]
Tim Drake (Oct 1989)
Robert Chang (Apr 1990) [Digital Justice]
Redbird (Jan 1993) [The Blue, the Gray, and the Bat]
Thomas Wayne (Jan 1993) [Robin 3000]
Bane (Apr 1993) [rejected elseworlds]
Robin Redblade (Jun 1994) [Earth-494]
Tengu (Sep 1994) [Narrow Path]
Alfred Pennyworth (Feb 1996) [Batman: Dark Alligiances]
Jubilation Lee (Apr 1996) [Amalgam Universe]
Tris Plover (Jun 1996) [Legends of the Dead Earth]
Darkbird (Jul 1996)
Bruce Wayne Jr. (Feb 1997) [Earth-3839]
Lois Lane (Oct 1997)
Rodney the chimpanzee (Nov 1997) [Batman: Dark Knight Dynasty]
Marya (1998) [I, Joker]
Barbara Gordon (Feb 1998) [Earth-37]
Robin the Toy Wonder (Nov 1998) [DC One Million]
Rochelle Wayne (Feb 1999) [Reign of Terror]
Kon-El (Mar 1999) [Hypertension]
Clark Wayne (Mar 1999) [Earth-3839]
Squid Wonder (Aug 1999)
The Robin (Mar 2000) [Earth-40]
Robin Drake (Feb 2002) [Riddle of the Beast]
Stephanie Brown (May 2004)
Koriand’r (Jan 2005) [Teen Titans (2003 show)]
Garfield Logan (Jan 2005) [Teen Titans (2003 show)]
Rachel Roth (Jan 2005) [Teen Titans (2003 show)]
Victor Stone (Jan 2005) [Teen Titans (2003 show)]
Robbie the Robin (Jun 2005) [Krypto the Superdog]
Control Freak (Oct 2005) [Teen Titans (2003 show)]
Damian Wayne (Nov 2006)
Robin Olsen (Oct 2007) [Earth-8]
Bizzaro Robin (Nov 2007)
Unnamed penguin (Jun 2010) [Tiny Titans]
Boy (Jul 2010)
Robin Robin (Jul 2010) [Tiny Titans]
M’gann M’orzz (Nov 2010) [Young Justice (2010 show)]
Jericho (Dec 2010) [Tiny Titans]
Kid Devil (Dec 2010) [Tiny Titans]
Wildebeest (Dec 2010) [Tiny Titans]
Kroc (Dec 2010) [Tiny Titans]
The Joker (Jan 2011)
Lance Heart (Feb 2011)
Fransisco Ramirez (Feb 2011)
Christopher Ward (Feb 2011)
Robin John Blake (Jul 2012) [Dark Knight Trilogy]
Helena Wayne (July 2012) [Earth 2]
Robin’s Egg (Jan 2013) [Farm League]
Super Robin (Jul 2013) [Teen Titans Go!]
Selina Kyle (Mar 2014)
Damien Wayne (Jun 2014) [Infinite Crisis Video Game]
John Thomas Grayson (Dec 2014) [Earth 2]
Nibor (Jan 2015) [Teen Titans Go!]
Daxton Chill (May 2015)
Dre Cipriani (May 2015)
Riko Sheridan (May 2015)
Duke Thomas (Jul 2015)
Troy Walker (Jul 2015)
Kat-R-ina (Aug 2015)
Isabella Ortiz (Aug 2015)
BlackDomino (Oct 2015)
Darkestdawn (Oct 2015)
SideKicker (Oct 2015)
Yellowcape (Oct 2015)
Shug-R (May 2016)
Robinbot (May 2017)
Dinesh Babar (May 2017)
Rabid Robins (Oct 2017) [Earth -22]
Cult Member Robins (Apr 2018)
Rosie (Apr 2018)
Matt McGinnis (May 2018) [Futures End]
Harley Quinn (Apr 2019)
Jarro (Oct 2019)
Billy Batson (Oct 2019)
Six of Hearts (Dec 2019)
Maps Mizoguchi (Dec 2020)
Talia Kane (Feb 2021) [Earth 11]
LeBron James (Jul 2021) [Space Jam: A New Legacy]
Drake Winston (Oct 2021) [Batman ‘89]
Anita Jean (Oct 2021)
Kiki (Nov 2021)
Son of Don Mitchell Jr. (Mar 2022) [The Batman (2022 movie)]
Gan (Mar 2022)
Jon Kent (Jul 2022)
Amish Boy Wonder (Nov 2022) [The Last Harley Story]
Darcy Thomas (Nov 2022)
Elizabeth Prince (Jan 2024) [Possible Future]
Bruce Wayne clone (Jul 2024)
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moon-mac · 2 years ago
In our lord's year 2023, I'm reading the masterpiece Down to Agincourt by @seperis for the first time. I'm so god damn in love with these characters so here are my castings so far
Alicia (Alycia Debnan-Carey):
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Amanda (Mackenzie Davis):
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Vera (KiKi Layne):
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Alison (Sarah Wayne Callies):
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Teresa (Danay Garcia):
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cyndherrsuggestions · 2 years ago
cinnamon roll posting for my friend @bintendogamecistem
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the end. uni pleas e enjoy your cinnamo m role d
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twosnails4eva · 2 years ago
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evil sharp girl x docile round girl
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prozac-shaped-urn · 9 months ago
While I have a lull in this migraine imma try and plot out some shit to see if I can hit the nail on the head a second time in S3 of Hacks.
I forget where I saw a spoiler/hint interview with JPL back in fall 2022 but I remember Deb has a boytoy this season, so I'll be going down that train of thought first. And if I've somehow just made that tidbit up, then I've made that up but I still maintain this is the direction she's going, so fuck it.
Deb has a bit of a sexuality crisis in 204. Maybe crisis is a strong word. A questioning moment. She has a questioning moment at Ava's suggestion and follows through with it even though Marla was literally playing her to get a refund. At the end of the cruise, she's pissed and lesbophobic vitriol goes everywhere -- we all know the story by now. But regardless of whether or not she actually hates lesbians, she bought Marla a drink and enjoyed her company. 1 - 0 for the dykes.
In S2, Deb acquiesced and agreed bisexuality is a thing and that lesbians aren't terrible, hit on that one comedy chick by examining her hand size, and had a one night stand with Casper the Friendly Ghost. Oh, and she 100% realized she needs Ava to be ok, and ok means not having Deb in her life so she doesn't take up all the room in Ava's career. 4 - 0 for the queers.
So how and why do we get to the fucking boytoy?
In most late-life sexuality discoveries, things don't go in a linear direction. Unlearning takes time and it goes the way anything someone's uncomfortable with goes. You get to a level you are comfortable with then move on to the next one and so forth. And at this point, Deb is comfortable with a boytoy. If she went directly from Marty's bed to Ava's bed (outside of flinging the sheets off of her in a rage), that wouldn't be realistic nor healthy. It would mean something was so deeply disturbed inside her that she wouldn't be open with herself to acknowledge her true feelings one way or the other, and she would instead be hoping Ava would fix that disturbance, which is so totally not Ava's job. But. The fact she listens to Kiki and decides to take a chance and fuck Casper I mean 'follow the fun' means she's open to unlearning that one thing she's held onto since 7th grade when it comes to her sexuality. She's letting go and letting new ideas in, and she has a boytoy, which means step 1 of Deb's sapphic realization has begun, folks!
Onto fabulous bisexual disaster Ava Daniels.
Oof babes. She's head WAY over heels and Deb knows this. I don't think Ava actually realizes what's happened. She just knows she doesn't wanna be anywhere Deb isn't, and I think part of that is instinctual -- meaning she's feeling wholly and truly loved and accepted and seen by someone other than her dad for the first time in her life -- and part of it is likely due to her insecurities when it comes to The Business. I mean fuck! Deb has clout and connections spanning back 50 years. She holds conference with Liberace, the mayoress of Vegas and Wayne Newton without issue. She kicked the mayoress out of her mansion when she got too annoying ffs. Who in their right mind WOULDN'T want to take advantage of that! Never mind that this is precisely what I'm going through in my own life. Ava has a lot of growing to do in her career and in her emotional intelligence. She has as much catching up to do with that as Deb does with sexuality. I don't have any Ava hints, so I'll take a wild stab in the dark and guess Ava's doing really well professionally. Like reeeeally well. Almost unbelievably well. Unrealistically well. Like Deb's maybe pulling a lot of strings because she can't stand to see Ava fail. And maybe she'll be able to lure Ava back so they can have a stand-off in Deb's foyer or something. Just a guess. I'll honestly be stunned if this is legit.
As far as trajectory, I'm thinking we have some growing and moving around to do in 8 episodes and that's not a lot of time so it'll probably move fast. (The first ep is 60 mins, so like.... they're gonna pack a lot of shit into very limited time frames and we all gotta pay close attention because not everything will be dialogue. There are 8 eps this season including 301, so we got 4.5 hours of this season to work with folks.) Highlights of my thoughts are as follows:
Deb won't come out yet but she'll have some sapphic realizations she runs by Ava to see if they're actually sapphic and not some kind of weird 'what is this feeling' moments. Dearest Darlingist Momsie and Popsicle...
Deb will decide to be more open with Ava about how she feels in general but also how she feels about Ava! She'll want to be closer to Ava by the end of the season and we'll have more apologies and metaphoric funerals to look forward to with that.
Ava will have success in her career ventures even at the expense of her physical connection to Deb because Deb will truly support that growth and Ava will know she has "a home to come back to" n shit so she'll be more amenable to the idea of pursuing that goal. I suspect a solid attempt at success and a final separation from Deb by the end of S3. Think balcony scene all over again but with elated smiles instead of tears... except maybe from the fangirls.
Ava and Marcus will have a come to Jesus moment. One of them will win the fight for Deb's affection and it won't be Marcus.
Marty won't show up in person but he'll likely be referenced a few times, either in dialogue or visually (as in we'll see a shot of the Palmetto or Deb's special is played etc.) Same goes for Frank and flashback clips of Who's Making Dinner? or DJ telling a story about him etc. This will be to remind everyone of where Deb started and where she's going emotionally and with her sexuality.
Kayla and Jimmy are gonna be a riot this season. Pure unhinged comedy gold with these two. Paul and Megan are now series regulars, so expect more of this situational-physical comedy in coming seasons. ~My body is ready.~
Deb's Vegas residency will founder because that's just good dramaturgy. Ava may or may not come to the rescue on that. I'll be interested to see where she stands in terms of her desire or lack thereof to help Deb and whether it'll be from a place of genuine concern or out of guilt or out of spite or out of having something to lord over Deb's head. I wouldn't be surprised if any or all of that is her reason to help or not help.
Ava and Nina... Jesus h Christ on a stick. Yeah these two have some major bumps to work out this season.
Storytelling style is likely gonna be a back-and-forth between Vegas and LA in every ep instead of every other ep. I'd be interested to see it come alive in a flashback style tbh but that would probably be too confusing for a comedic tone. Back-and-forth will stop once Ava returns to Vegas, obvs.
I'm still banking on Deb loaning Ava her LA mansion at some point. I'm also banking on a series finale that includes a song by Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young as the end credits backing track. Paul saw that on my insta story a couple years ago. I have no idea why. But he knows my headcanon now, so if I end up meeting him IRL I will double down on that. And the biggest crocodile tears will spring from my eyes if it's "Our House".
What the fuck ever JPL and co. have to throw at me I WILL DEVOUR LIKE A RABID SQUIRREL HIGH ON THE FRUITS OF 400 YEAR OLD OAK TREES no questions asked.
Thanks for coming to my TEDTalk.
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